Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy

K-LINK Healthcare India Pvt Ltd., do the shipping of our Product within India only. The address at which the delivery of the product ordered are to be made should be correct and proper in all respects. We use all reasonable efforts to dispatch orders within 3 to 10 Working days from the day following the date of Purchase. For the orders not delivered beyond 10 days, it is your responsibility to inform us either by email to shop@klinkindia .in or by calling to our Customer Care 044-42939898 (between 10:00 am – 05:00 pm - Monday to Friday, between 09:30 am – 01:30 pm on Saturdays, excluding Sundays and public holidays).

What are the shipping charges?

Free shipping will be available only for 400 BV or above, below 400 BV shipping charges will be applied.

K-LINK will make a maximum of three attempts to deliver your order. In case the Direct Seller is not reachable or does not accept the delivery of the products in these attempts K-LINK reserves the right to cancel the orders at its discretion. It is hereby reiterated that in case the non-delivery occurs on account of mistake on your part or for reasons attributable to you, all the extra-cost that may be incurred towards re-delivery (whether successful or not) shall be claimed from you. On receipt of your complaint, we will find out the cause of delay and if the same is not due to factor or reason attributable to you or anybody connected to you, we may either try to deliver the product within a reasonable period or we will refund the amount and you shall have no grievance of whatsoever in this regard.

You have the option to choose a different Shipping address other than your registered Direct Seller’s address for which you have to give the complete postal address including Pin Code and Telephone / Mobile Number of the Recipient for the prompt delivery of your order.