
K-Liquid Chlorophyll

  • Product ID : QAXJXJK

690(250 ml)

4,690(7+1 - 250 ml)

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Product Information

The main source of Liquid Chlorophyll for commercial extraction is the Alfalfa Plant which is called as FATHER OF ALL FOODS. Chlorophyll can be consumed by everyone daily.

Chlorophyll is the green colouring matter found in all leafy green plants and vegetables. It is often referred to as the "BLOOD OF PLANTS”.

Though it is available in all green plants it is more abundant in Alfalfa plant containing purple flower. The Alfalfa plant contains more of minerals, fibre, anti oxidant, vitamins, proteins and Beta carotein (which prevents cardiac diseases and cancer).


  • Stabilize body temperature
  • Detoxifies blood
  • Balances acid and alkaline levels
  • Enhances Metabolism
  • Controls the blood sugar level
  • Strengthens Immune system
  • Delays ageing process
  • Eliminating body odor
  • Increases red blood cells
  • Provides iron to organs
  • Inhibits bacterial growth
  • Improves oral health
  • Abates digestive problems
  • Soothes sore throat
  • Abates the risk of bronchitis

How to Use K-Liquid Chlorophyll?

Adults: Mix 15 ml of Chlorophyll (one tablespoon of Chlorophyll) in 250 ml of water and drink it regularly.

Children: Mix ½ tablespoon of chlorophyll in one glass of water.

Disclaimer: This product is not a drug and not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease.

The true strength of K-Liquid Chlorophyll :

The main source of Liquid Chlorophyll for commercial extraction is the Alfalfa Plant which is called as FATHER OF ALL FOODS. Chlorophyll can be consumed by everyone daily.

Chlorophyll is the green colouring matter found in all leafy green plants and vegetables. It is often referred to as the "BLOOD OF PLANTS”.

Though it is available in all green plants it is more abundant in Alfalfa plant containing purple flower. The Alfalfa plant contains more of minerals, fibre, anti oxidant, vitamins, proteins and Beta carotein (which prevents cardiac diseases and cancer).