K-BLAST with its unique formula effectively manages various diseases like Blast, Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Early Blight, etc.
MittiDhan increases the overall growth, lush green of the plant with optimum quality and quantity of produce / yield.
K-Repel is a farm input for better crop care for better growth and resistance against attack from pests like Brown Plant Hopper on Paddy.
K-Magic Shot is a unique silicone based all purpose agricultural spray adjuvant.
K-WILT with its unique formula helps plants to develop tolerance to stress caused by climatic and other factors to produce optimum crop output.
Urban Farming is an art as well as science of growing vegetables, fruits & flowers within the confines of one’s home.
K – BOOSTER is an eco-friendly, non toxic product manufactured from natural sources. A truly novel, power packed formula.
K-Magic Shot is a unique silicone based all purpose agricultural spray adjuvant. It has Low Surface Tension.
K-VIRUBACT provides resistance to a broad spectrum of fungal, bacterial & viral diseases and controls soft bodied sucking pest infestation.