Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellation & Refund Policy:

You can cancel your order of your purchase through E-Mail: / duly calling to Customer Care provided K-LINK has not processed the order before such attempt of cancellation. You will be intimated if cancellation is accepted by K-LINK and the Amount will be refunded within 7 to 10 working days. The refund amount, after making appropriate deductions, will be credited in the same Bank Account / credit card account, as the case may be, from which you had made the Payment. If the cancellation is made by you and / or for any reasons attributable to you, including but not limited to fraudulent orders.

Cancellation of Fraudulent Orders:

To provide a safe and secure online shopping experience, we regularly monitor transactions for fraudulent activity. In the event of detecting any suspicious activity, K-LINK reserves the right to cancel all past, pending and future orders without any liability. K-LINK also reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders in circumstances like inaccuracies in pricing of product on App and stock unavailability. K-LINK may also require additional verification and / or information before accepting any order. K-LINK may contact you of all or any portion of your order is cancelled or if additional information is required to accept your order. If the order is cancelled after the payment has been made, the paid amount will be reversed after deductions to your card / bank account, as the case may be.

The customer may be considered fraudulent, inter-alia, under the following circumstances:

1. Using invalid email id or phone number.

2. Misuse of another user’s phone, email etc.

3. Invalid / inaccurate address.

4. Not replying to the payment verification mail sent by K-LINK.

5. Failure to produce adequate documents, details etc. during the payment details verification.

6. Using bank account or credit / debit card not lawfully owned by the user.

7. Customer with a very high return rate.

8. User returns the wrong product.

9. Refuses to pay for an order.

10. Involvement in snatch and run for any order.